I think the thing that strikes me the most about hearing that montage is the phrase “death sentence” being repeated over and over. I just remember thinking, “It, it can’t be true.” It was awful. Mary Weiss: He announced that November 7th. And we were in a meeting in one of the hotel rooms and our coach came in and said, “Magic Johnson just announced that he had HIV.” Jim Hecht: I was at, uh, Central Oklahoma University for a debate tournament. Syrus Yarbrough: I was playing my first year at Santa Monica College. Salli Richardson-Whitfield: I was in Jamaica at a golf tournament. Max Borenstien: I remember literally where I was. Jim Hecht: It was a long time ago - it was 1991 - and I remember it like crystal clear. Ron and Mary Weiss: I remember that horrible day. Those are the two things that I, you know, the kind of thing where you remember exactly where you were when you heard about it. Robert Wade: The only time I’ve been as shocked was when I was sitting in the student union at UCLA and they announced over the intercom that JFK had been assassinated.
Catch up on Episode 8: Inside the origins of the NBA’s own war on drugs